Monday, November 28, 2011


Two days ago we were in the Seattle Airport,waiting for our plane to Amsterdam.We finally said our last good-byes to gran and grandpa. It was heart-breaking...well,at least for me and Mollie.Once we all were through with security etc. we took a small 3 minute train to another building that was still the airport and waited for the plane to Amsterdam for 2 hours. We met this guy named Paul that was apparently my parents friend or something. He was really nice and jokey.He was a pastor.We were on the same planes. After those 2 hours we went on the plane,I think I watched 1 and a half movies, I don't remember very well.So we were on that plane for 9 hours.I slept 2 hours.Finally we landed,and all the air conditioning turned off. That was a bad move. Everybody unbuckled and started to stand up. We were in the aisle for at least 10 minutes and everyone wanted to get out and have some fresh air. That was also a bad move. A wave of hot air washed over me!I sat down but I passed out.According to dad I fell by his feet,shaking uncontrollably! Next thing I knew I was being guided of the plane.Lucky for me NO staff saw me.That was unfortunate. The next plane I mostly slept.Probably 6 out of seven hours of sleep. In the last 15 min. of the plane blood started pouring out my nose! I don't know what happened. It was all strange.
But now I am safe and sound in Kenya and I'm glad!

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