Monday, December 5, 2011


Today I'm going to tell you about a lot of things OK? OK. Well when we were doing the tree I said hey look at the angel. I saw an ornament that was an angel that looked like it was drinking a Fanta. So I said I was going to put it on the blog. There are these really cute bunnies next door here. One just had baby's three weeks ago. But I think the people ate them or sold them. Anna and I every day go out and feed them. But theres' this really grumpy one. He's really grumpy. There is this watch dog. His name is Serious. He is very serious.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Mollie!!
    How cool that you have Bunnies to take care of, even in Africa!! Hope you guys are having fun. Sure like that Angel drinking Fanta :) Thanks for sharing!
