Saturday, December 17, 2011

It is Saturday evening and we have safely arrived back in Nairobi. On our way home from the coast, we spent two nights in Tsavo West National Park on a safari and had the privilege of having our lodge right beside a watering hole which was lit up at night. I will let the kids give you all the details.
On this trip, I have had a few experiences that, due to my anxiety, I am sure have taken a few weeks if not months off my life. The latest was a lovely case of malaria Mollie must have picked up while we were on vacation. She has been on anti-malarial meds to prevent this, but those didn't quite do the trick. On our late afternoon safari yesterday she was suddenly lying with her head on my lap (while looking at lions!) and I could feel heat radiating off her body. Needless to say, I was in quite a state (a calm one I must say) trying to figure out what I was going to do about this out there in the boonies. I don't have much experience with malaria. What a blessing it was to find out the lodge had a nurse who said that in his opinion, she was presenting with malarial symptoms and he would recommend treating her for it. He had the medications she needed and told us that she should be feeling somewhat better in the morning. A rough night and a few fever induced hallucinations later, the fever broke and though she has been feeling tired and weak today (along with quite a few trips to the bathroom) she has the twinkle back in her eyes. I am so thankful it all happened when and where it did and that we can afford the meds she needs. I know there are many children and elderly who die from malaria because they can't.


  1. Thinking about you guys, so thankful that the malaria didn't get more serious and that you were able to get the meds you needed for her. Thanks for posting, love reading about your family adventures :)

  2. Oh my word...Praise the LORD!!! Glad Mollie is feeling a bit better, but oh so scary! We will be praying for you in these last few weeks, that the rest will remain healthy & safe & that you will cherish these moments with your parents!! Love to you all!

  3. Hope Mollie feels better! Must have great views of Mount Kilimanjaro. Love the photos.
