Monday, January 4, 2010

From our point of view...

-written by Noah
Yesterday we went to the stressful, Masai Market.We got there in a van called a matatu.The matatus are very small buses.They are always crammed with people!There are usually five people in a seat!!!When we got to the matatu stop, grandpa paid and we all piled in. A matatu has a driver and a toue. The driver drives and the tout collects the money. But the tout said we had to pay sixty shillings extra.Dad said no,and we all piled out. Then we got into the next matatu,and we finally got to the market.
When we went inside, it was like bees to honey! They surrounded us trying to make us buy something. Dad was rapidly saying "no!". Once it settled down we walked around. We bought bracelets and necklaces. I got freaked out whenever we bought something because dad would barter pretty hard. He called himself 'hard as nails'. It suited him pretty good too.
I went in thinking that they would be shoving bracelets up my nose! But I came out feeling good. That's why I had such a good time.

-written by Anna
Today I am writing about the maasai market! To get there we had to go on a matatu. I hated it... I was squished so much that it felt like my eyes would pop out! When we got there Noah and Mollie and me were holding dads hands. At first I didn't look at anything. Then I saw cool bracelets. I bought two bracelets. and I walked around and got an orange Fanta (orange pop) and walked again! Then I saw pocket mirrors. I bought one with a cheetah on it. Everyone wanted to sell everything to us! I felt timid. After a while, I got used to it. That wasn't the best day.


  1. What an adventure!! I'm sooo glad your Dad & Grampa were there to guide & protect you so that you could experience this part of Kenya too!
    We are aqlways praying for your safety but also for great experiences to know how Kenyans live--makes our Vancouver buses seem quiet eh!
    I love seeing your pictures & hearing your stories!!
    luv Gran

  2. Great post kids! You are both good writer's like your dad! Speaking of your dad HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kev!!! We love you all, and are praying for you!
    The Gutman 5
