Monday, January 18, 2010

From our point of view...

-written by Mollie

My Dad said that ther was a swim up bar to get Fantas but ther was not a swim up bar. But in the pool ther was a lilut pool and a big pool and a rivr. I saw a geco in the pool. Noah pict up the geco and put it on a rock. The ants cam and eat the geco. It was fun. In the pool I can swim all the way a cros the pool.

-written by Anna
We are at Mwembe resort in Malindi! In the resort there is a pool and waiters and FANTA! This is my kind of life. We can go to the private beach and eat real chips! Me, Noah and Mollie made coconut drinks! with sea water in it. I touched the Indian Ocean! It was so nice and warm. My grandma and Mom got beach chairs but I didn't because it cost 300 shillings each day. We are eating Italian food like pizza and spaghetti. African eating for me is chapattis. My favourite fruit is pineapple. At the resort there is mango trees but I don't like mangos. Mangos just drop on the ground here. We went on a tuk tuk. a tuk tuk is a taxi with three wheels! We were really squished. I loved that day!

Six Hour Wait -written by Noah

Dad and I got to Malindi on a train. Once we got to the station, we waited and watched until our train finally arrived. We had to wait a few minutes before we could get on. Once we got to our compartment, we sat down on the couch. There was a fold out bed with a bed-rail made of seat belt material. I read to dad for 1 hour. Then we sat and talked for what felt like a really long time. a few hours later they called us to dinner. We sat by a lady who did NOT like Americans. She had a mental disability because she was mumbling things like 'I'm going to chuck my food at you' and stuff like that. She asked if she could move and hallelujah she did. The rest of dinner was a tension filled wait. After dinner we rushed back to our compartment, but no sleep for me. It was the longest night I ever had! When we woke up we brushed our teeth and went to breakfast. We had to jusmp off at a little town called Mariakani where the family picked us up. It was a long ride but we got there safely.

1 comment:

  1. Oh you kids are having so much fun with something new every week!
    I love to read your stories
    Be prepared when you come home Gramps & I will have lots of questions & want to hear more stories!
    luv Gran
