Saturday, December 19, 2009


Well, we have had some full days.

This week started out with a visit to Nairobi Handicraft Carvers. It it nice to see these places with people 'in the know' and John, a carver the Ten Thousand Villages store buys from, toured us around his shop and others in the coop. Kevin is excited about a cross he is having John carve for him.

On Friday, we decided to visit the Giraffe Orphanage for a more 'touristy' experience. Noah got up close and personal with a giraffe (see picture) and would love to do it again. Anna wanted nothing to do with it, and Mollie ended up throwing the food into the giraffes mouth. They say giraffes saliva has healing properties... here's hoping.

After today's experience, I am just glad to be home. It was a nice day in Najile (a 2 1/2 hour drive on VERY bumpy roads... thank goodness for the SUV) where we were able to celebrate with Joseph and Elizabeth on their wedding day. It started 3 hours late (thankfully we were given a heads up and only had to wait 1 hour). The bride had 24 attendants, the groom nine. The room was packed, and with the choir performances, dancing, preaching (translated into English) and actual wedding, the ceremony lasted 3 hours. I was so proud of the kids, they lasted the whole time... quietly. When it ended at 4pm we had thought we would skip the reception so we could make it home before dark (one big rule in Kenya... try not to be on the roads after dark) but the Maasai culture is very generous and it was obvious not eating would be a huge disappointment to them. We were seated in the grooms mothers house and served our first goat meat. I decided to go at it with both hands and it was pretty good. The Maasai people are so friendly and welcoming, it was a pleasure to eat with them. The only downside (and HUGE stress for me) was the trip home- 1/3rd in the dark. I think it took some years off my life and got through it by burying my face into Kevin's leg. Nothing bad happened and we got home fine but my dad has assured me will try to be in before dark from now on. I will be teased about that for a while.

Again, we are amazed at the generosity and friendliness of the Kenyan people we have met. Our kids continue to be a novelty but they take it in stride, with the occasional 'intervention' by their grandparents.

1 comment:

  1. Ok Noah licking a Giraffe's tongue is GROSS!!
    Glad you are home safe from the wedding--& people think our weddings are long!
    Just made carmel corn--wish we could share it with you
    luv Mom
