Wednesday, December 30, 2009

things i love

There are many things I have loved about are time away from home... perhaps most significantly experiencing time differently...

time for good books, alone and with the kids... time for Frisbee and lying in the grass. I have loved having, and taking, the time to lean into home learning with Dana and the kids. We spend most mornings reading, or being read to, hunched over math books, shoulder to shoulder with Noah or Anna, learning (or attempting to recall) what antonyms are, or why 'ck' and not 'k' happens at the end of a spelling word with Mollie.

I love watching our kids grow, stretch and learn... yes, about this place and it's people, but also about whatever is in front of them in the moment... gecko's caught in the early morning, the joy of tea , sunlight and a good book, reading a social cue...

I am so thankful for this time, because of the experience of where we are, but more so for the space to be slow, to watch our kids grow in real time... to see Mollie's two front teeth reach further out daily.

Though we are half way through our time, I want to resist marking the weeks and days we have left, counting time until 'time' returns to normal. Rather, I would want to continue in the practice of being more aware... engaging our kids, other people, books, shade cooled grass, and learning to live in the present... not just vacation there.


  1. Thanks for this reminder, Kevin! Great "seeing" you guys this morning!

    It has been very interesting to read your stories and look at your photos. Sounds like you are having an amazing experience...what an incredible way to start 2010! Keep safe.
    Cheers, Anne & Al
