Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Mollie's Safari

-written by Mollie, translated by her mom

We god on u SAFARI trip and gus wut we sur. Grafs, elfits, zebus, los uf thes ammls lic cap buflo, hippos to rinos. Lios, dade lios, mome lios, babe lios, leprs, chedus. The leprd wus up on u tree. Los uf vans ther. My ffrt ammls wus the babe lio be cause it wus cute.

( We got on a SAFARI trip and guess what we saw. Giraffes, elephants, zebras, lots of these animals like cape buffalo, hippos and rhinos. Lions, daddy lions, mommy lions, baby lions, leopards, cheetahs. The leopard was up in a tree. Lots of vans there. My favorite animal was the baby lion because it was cute.)


  1. Mollie!! That is so exciting that you got to see all those animals!! Wow, you are one lucky girl! But I'm most excited to see your 2 front teeth gone!! Now you can sing the song "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!!" We love you all and are praying for you daily :) Thanks for sharing this experience with us!!

  2. Wow Mollie Your Safari sounds amazing!! Were the animals close to your van?? were you scared or mostly excited?/
    How is the food in Africa? Do you get pancakes often?
    I luv you
