Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pancakes and AK 47's

We make our first blog posting detailing our expereinces in Kenya, happy to have arrived in Nairobi after two relatively sleepless plane trips and enough canned air to be grateful for the deisel scented 'fresh air' of the city's morning gridlock. While looking forward to attempting a full night's sleep we are wonderfully happy to be here with Mom & Dad (aka Grandpa & Grandma). We began our cultural emmersion 'softly', easing into it with a breakfast of pancakes and strong coffee, while talking over the many expereinces that will not be as familiar as Mollie's favorite food...

The kids have observed many little cross cultural differences and have many questions for each of these! Whether it is people selling live chickens or pillows in the stand-still traffic or the AK 47's that every serucity gaurd causually holds while greeting you coridially, we have much to expereince and learn from.

I believe that today is Tuesday, and the week ahead holds a visit to a school in one of the slums where Noah, Anna & Mollie hope to connect with some kids with the universal language of soccer & jump rope. After that we will be heading to the Massai Mara to connect (from the safety of an all terrain van) with the 'big 5' on a three day safari.


  1. You all look well---Yeah! pancakes are a great start for the culinary experience! We are praising the Lord for your safe arrival!
    luv Mom

  2. So excited to be able to follow your blog!! Two months isn't THAT long, so I expect some regular posts...none of this once a week thing!! Love you all and so glad you made it safely :)
    ~luv, Gutman's

  3. I want to see elephants ,lions, and the scenery that only Africa can produce in your pix. Love you all
    Aunt Rose

  4. Looking forward to following your adventure. I think it's going to make me want to go back.

  5. Glad to hear that you are having fun in rich culture of SMELLS (remember those smells) sounds and people... We are still waiting for snow here, but so far just -8, chapped lips and blue skies.

    Love you all,
    Narah and
    the Timmermans

  6. Just heard about your blog! What wonders abound. Looking forward to carrying on another adventure through YOUR travels. Keep up with the wonderful translations of all you write about and see. Rob and the crew at CVAS
